Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Family: Mothers as Nurturers - Lyndon Hensleys blog - Dion ...

?Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children?

~ The Family: A Proclamation to the World

My favorite quotes?, regarding mothers:

?Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels.? ~The First Presidency

Elder Richard G. Scott said,

??Satan had unleashed a seductive campaign to undermine the sanctity of womanhood, to deceive the daughters of God and divert them from their divine destiny. He well knows women are the compassionate, self-sacrificing, loving power that binds together the human family?.He has convinced many of the lie that they are third-class citizens in the kingdom of God. That falsehood has led some to trade their divinely given femininity for male coarseness.?

Sister Beck said,?

?Who will prepare this righteous generation of sons and daughters? Latter-day Saint women will do this ? women who know and love the Lord and bear testimony of Him, women who are strong and immovable and who do not give up during difficult and discouraging times.? This really impressed me. It also showed me the significance it is of my divine role of being a mother and nurturer.?

?There is no more noble work than that of a good and God-fearing mother.? ??but she who rears successfully a family of healthy, beautiful sons and daughters, whose influence will be felt through generations to come?deserves the highest honor that man can give, and the choicest blessings of God.? ?I think that this is an important thing for women to understand. The women of the world today are confused about their roles and are fulfilling careers and working outside the home.?

I liked President Benson?s words when he said, ?Mothers who help families pray and play together will stay together and will bless children?s lives forever.?

President Benson talked about the widows and mothers who for various reasons need to work outside the home and support themselves, and said, ?But these instances are the exception, not the rule.? I think still too often even women of the church want think that this means it is perfectly acceptable to have a career. Whereas I don?t think it is necessarily wrong, I still think a woman should be in the home raising and loving her children and ready to be at hand to them.?

To those who have not yet married or had children or who cannot have children:

Sister Sheri Dew has not had the chance to marry nor have children. She is a big example to me of a righteous sister in Zion. Side note, one of my absolute favorite books is by her called, ?No One Can Take Your Place.? Such a good read!! Back to motherhood here are some of her words:

?both God the Father and Adam called Eve ?the mother of all living? ? and they did so before she ever bore a child?.It is the essence of who were are as women. It defines our very identity, our divine stature and nature, and the unique traits our Father gave us.??

?Every one of us can show by word and by deed that the work of women in the Lord?s kingdom is magnificent and holy. I repeat: We are all mothers in Israel, and our calling is to love and help lead the rising generation through the dangerous streets of mortality.??

Further readings:?




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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Internet Marketing Rules Blog: Generating Leads Online And Using ...

Are you focusing on getting more new customers in your internet business? If so, then you should know that you will need alot of traffic and alot of leads to make this happen for you. Traffic and getting leads play crucial roles in the development of your business, and in the further advancement of your sales and profits.

Now getting a lead on the internet isn?t hard. All you have to do is set up a ?squeeze page? and drive your visitors straight to this page and get them to opt-in to your email newsletter. The more leads you get, the better. This means that with more and more leads, you can improve the chances of starting to earn sales on a daily basis.

This is something that is very important, and if you want to have success online, this is what you need to be doing. If you?re in the right niche that is virtually empty with competition? you could probably put up an ugly squeeze page and still get alot of subscribers. And I would know - I?ve done it myself!

Before you create your first squeeze page, take a look at other examples first. This will give you a good idea of how your squeeze page should look like, what should be on it, and where your opt-in form should be at.

All of these things are very important to the development of your online business success.

Now before you can get your squeeze page set up, you will need an autoresponder. An autoresponder is simply a program that sends out timely emails every few days. You will need one of these to insert onto your squeeze page. This is how people will sign up to your email newsletter.

Make sure you test your autoresponder to make sure that everything works, and create at least 10 emails before you start marketing. You will get leads fast, and the more leads you get, the more money you will make. Now some people will buy fast. Some will buy later. And some will never buy. Your goal is to focus on the people who will buy fast and who will buy later.

The best way to do this is by adding lots of emails into your autoresponder, and then let it work its magic. I personally like to set my emails every 4 days apart. I feel that emailing everyday is the fastest way to get someone to unsubscribe quickly, and for you to be perceived as a pest.

Instead, don?t email so often. I think 4 days is a good number. Some people like to send broadcast emails to their list around every Tuesday or Thursday, but I think that you should just let the autoresponder run its course and do what it?s supposed to do. That?s my philosophy anyway.

Nevertheless, you will need a list. Your backend customer list is more valuable than your prospect list. So if I had to choose between which list to focus on - it would be my backend list. And this is the one thing that you will want to focus on also.

Good luck with earning more money online.

For more internet marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:


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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

PFT: T.O. begged Clippers for 10-day contract

Terrell OwensAP

The NFL isn?t the only league Terrell Owens wants to play in.

Owens, who was last seen begging the Jets to give him a chance, also begged the NBA?s Los Angeles Clippers to sign him, according to Clippers forward Blake Griffin.

?Terrell Owens is always ? he was at our practice facility this summer, begging coaches for a 10-day contract,? Griffin said on the Dan Patrick Show.

Although Griffin allowed that Owens ?can play a little bit,? it?s safe to say that at age 39, Owens won?t be taking up a second career in the NBA. And seeing as he hasn?t played in an NFL game since December 19, 2010, we can just about declare his first career over as well.

Griffin also mentioned that he played football in high school and sometimes wonders what he could have accomplished if he had stuck with it instead of quitting during his sophomore year to turn all of his attention to hoops.

?I think about that sometimes, I wish I had played it a little longer,? Griffin said. ?But I?m glad I stuck with basketball.?

The 6-foot-10, 251-pound Griffin has amazing leaping ability and would be quite a threat as a receiver in the red zone. At least, he?d have a better chance of competing in the NFL than Owens would of competing in the NBA.


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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

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Boustany trounces Landry for La congressional seat

FILE - In this July 21, 2011 file photo House Ways and Means Oversight subcommittee Chairman Rep. Charles Boustany, R-La., speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. U.S. Rep. Charles Boustany will return to Congress for a fifth term after handily defeating his fellow Republican congressman, Jeff Landry, in a runoff election, Saturday, Dec. 8, 2012. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

FILE - In this July 21, 2011 file photo House Ways and Means Oversight subcommittee Chairman Rep. Charles Boustany, R-La., speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. U.S. Rep. Charles Boustany will return to Congress for a fifth term after handily defeating his fellow Republican congressman, Jeff Landry, in a runoff election, Saturday, Dec. 8, 2012. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

U.S. Rep. Charles Boustany, Jr. reacts after receiving news of his election to the 3rd Congressional District on Saturday Dec. 8, 2012. Louisiana congressman Charles Boustany won a fifth term on Saturday by handily defeating his fellow Republican incumbent, Jeff Landry, in a runoff election. (AP Photo/Allyce Andrew, The Advertiser)

U.S. Rep. Charles Boustany, Jr. hugs voter Sedrick Ned in Lafayette, Louisiana after receiving news of his election to the 3rd Congressional District on Saturday, Dec. 8, 2012. Louisiana congressman Charles Boustany won a fifth term on Saturday by handily defeating his fellow Republican incumbent, Jeff Landry, in a runoff election. (AP Photo/Allyce Andrew, The Advertiser)

(AP) ? Louisiana Congressman Charles Boustany, a veteran Republican allied with House Speaker John Boehner, has trounced freshman GOP incumbent Jeff Landry in an attack-heavy runoff race.

The two incumbents were forced into the same district when Louisiana lost a congressional seat because of anemic population growth in the latest federal census. The state will have six U.S. House seats in the new term that begins in January.

A four-term congressman who had gone into Saturday's balloting favored by the new district design, Boustany will represent the 3rd District covering southwest Louisana and nearby Acadiana.

With nearly all precincts reporting, Boustany led Landry by about a 3-2 margin. About one-fifth of district voters cast ballots on Saturday.

"This looks like a very solid victory. We had a very strong ground game, which was a key element in the runoff. We reached out to a lot of voters with a solid message backed by the results I've gotten in Congress," said Boustany, a retired doctor.

Landry, the tea party favorite, was unable to build enough grassroots support in his bid to oust Boustany. The race had been marked by sharp attacks since both men ran as conservative Republicans opposed to the policies of President Barack Obama and had little philosophical ground in which to distinguish themselves.

Pearson Cross, chairman of the political science department at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette, said Boustany was the "de-facto incumbent" throughout the race.

"Most voters in the district have voted for Charles Boustany, think he's done a good job, are comfortable with him," Cross said.

Landry said it was difficult to overcome Boustany's advantage in the district design. Boustany had represented more than two-thirds of the parishes in the configuration of the new 3rd District.

Though they had three other challengers in the November election, the two congressmen had campaigned as though it were a two-man race for months.

Boustany cast his GOP opponent as a good ol' boy politician who would say anything to get elected, habitually skipped votes in Congress and spread distortions about Boustany's record to distract voters from his own lack of accomplishments.

Landry criticized Boustany as lacking the courage to make tough votes for his district and instead following in lockstep with Republican leaders even if south Louisiana voters didn't support the policy.

The race was one of Louisiana's most expensive congressional contests, with nearly $6 million spent between the two and even more from outside groups. Boustany had a significant edge in fundraising, raising nearly $2 million more than Landry, according to campaign finance reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.

Associated Press


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Monday, December 10, 2012

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?To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.??--Douglas Adams


?Integrity has no need of rules.??--Albert Camus


?Honesty is the cornerstone of all success, without which confidence and ability to perform shall cease to exist.??--Mary Kay Ash


?Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not.??--Oprah Winfrey


?The greatest homage we can pay to truth is to use it.???Ralph Waldo Emerson


?A life lived with integrity - even if it lacks the trappings of fame and fortune is a shining star in whose light others may follow in the years to come.??--Denis Waitley


?The highest compact we can make with our fellow is, - 'Let there be truth between us two forever more.'"?--Ralph Waldo Emerson


?Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.??--Thomas Jefferson


?The glue that holds all relationships together -- including the relationship between the leader and the led is trust, and trust is based on integrity.??--Brian Tracy


?Integrity is the first step to true greatness. Men love to praise, but are slow to practice it. To maintain it in high places costs self-denial; in all places it is liable to opposition, but its end is glorious, and the universe will yet do it homage.??--Charles Simmons


?Our lives improve only when we take chances - and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.???Walter Anderson


?Integrity is not a conditional word. It doesn't blow in the wind or change with the weather. It is your inner image of yourself, and if you look in there and see a man who won't cheat, then you know he never will.??--John D. MacDonald


?Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life, and that happiness, not pain or mindless self-indulgence, is the proof of your moral integrity, since it is the proof and the result of your loyalty to the achievement of your values.??--Ayn Rand


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Iran's version of YouTube hits the Web

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) ? Iran says it has launched a video-sharing website in the latest move to create government-sanctioned alternatives to Internet powerhouses such as YouTube.

The Web page of Iranian state TV says the new site ? Mehr, or affection in Farsi ? seeks to promote Iranian and Islamic culture and artists. It's unclear, however, how heavily the site, , will be monitored or censored.

Western websites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are blocked by Iranian officials, who claim Western bloggers and governments are waging a "soft war" against the Islamic Republic.

Iran also says it is seeking to create its own Internet universe scrubbed of Western content, but experts in cyber-technology question whether any country can completely break away from it.


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Thursday, December 6, 2012

DNA may help scientists find ?dark matter,? the glue that binds galaxies

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DNA may help scientists find ?dark matter,? the glue that binds galaxies
That wonder molecule of life on Earth, DNA, is now being enlisted in the search for an exotic species zooming through the cosmos: dark matter. As far back as the 1930s, astronomers watching distant galaxies saw that something was missing: There were not enough stars to account for the heavy gravity needed to whirl galaxies so quickly or smash them together so swiftly.

Source: Washington Post
Posted on: Tuesday, Dec 04, 2012, 8:46am
Views: 10


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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Facebook Messenger allows sign-ups with just a name and phone number on Android devices

Facebook Messenger lets us sign up with just a name and phone number on Android today, iOS soon

Facebook Messenger might as well be as ubiquitous as SMS text messaging for some, but there's a catch to getting everyone to agree: despite there being over a billion Facebook users, not everyone is able (or willing) to fire up a social networking profile to get started. Some of the Android users among us won't have to go through that trouble as of today. An imminent update to the Facebook Messenger app will let anyone sign up using just their name and a phone number; any initial friends will come directly from the newcomer's own mobile contact list. The rollout is currently focusing on Australia, India, Indonesia, South Africa and Venezuela, but should spread to the rest of the world in short order. iOS users are also in line to get the update, although the timetable is less definite. Whatever the platform, Facebook is clearly eager to give those seemingly few holdouts from its service an easy way to test the waters -- and possibly save on their messaging rates in the process.

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Via: Facebook, TechCrunch

Source: Google Play


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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Foremost Orthopaedist Supplies Safety Guidelines for Doing ...

Carmel, NY (PRWEB) November 27, 2012

You will find no lengthier any question: Exercise and physical activity can aid us live lengthier, healthier lives. Review immediately after study confirms that bodily exercise reduces the danger and severity of a lot of of the situations that affect well being and vitality as we age: coronary heart illness, substantial blood stress, large cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, even nervousness and depressive disorders. Staying bodily lively can also maintain our brains sharp, delaying the onset of memory reduction and some kinds of dementia. Tens of millions of seniors have gotten the concept and taken up structured and casual programs that increase health and fitness amounts and supply extraordinary advantages that array from diminished aches and pains to better stamina, equilibrium and power.


?We suggest some degree of bodily exercise to practically absolutely everyone, of any age, even people who presently have situations these kinds of as arthritis, heart disease and diabetes,? states Dr. Stuart Types, orthopaedic specialist with Somers Orthopaedic Medical procedures &amp Sports Medicine Team. ?Proper ranges of exercising could even improve some of these conditions. But we also stick to the tips of the Nationwide Institutes of Wellness (NIH) and recommend that any individual in excess of fifty, particularly people who have been formerly inactive, verify with his or her physician just before commencing an workout system and we supply tips to improve security and decrease the threat of injuries as our patients boost their activity ranges.?

The Nationwide Institute on Getting older of the NIH endorses several varieties of physical exercise for seniors: thirteen

Aerobic conditioning ? actions like strolling, swimming and riding a bicycle that develop stamina and boost the overall health of the soul, lungs and circulatory program
Energy training that builds muscle mass mass and decreases age-relevant muscle mass decline
Stretching workouts to preserve the entire body limber and improve adaptability
Stability exercise routines to increase agility and decrease the threat of falling.

?No specific gear, clothing or fitness center membership are necessary to enhance bodily exercise,? states Dr. Variations. ?For most men and women, the finest way to build a well balanced method they will remain with is to include elevated activity into their everyday routines and find issues they like to do that encompass all four sorts of physical exercise: walking the pet, dancing, gardening, bicycling, h2o aerobics, getting the stairs instead of the elevator.? Soup cans are as excellent as dumbbells for creating muscle in the arms, back again and chest. Equilibrium can be enhanced basically by standing on a single foot.

?Exercise basic safety for seniors commences with the first discussion with your medical professional,? Dr. Variations continues. ?Be positive to refer to any new symptom the doctor may well not be conscious of and talk about any limitations based mostly on signs and symptoms these kinds of as dizziness, shortness of breath, joint discomfort, bleeding or any latest surgical procedures or processes.?


Dr. Styles? ?leading 10 guidelines? for senior workout are:


1. Start off slowly and gradually, progressively rising the two the period and intensity of your routines. A basic guideline for cardio conditioning is to construct up to thirty minutes a working day, most days. Energy training is very best done no a lot more than 2-three times a month, offering muscle tissue a likelihood to get better among routines.


2. Don?t more than-exert your self. Exercising must not be distressing ? despite the fact that you may possibly knowledge slight soreness, particularly when starting up ? or cause excessive exhaustion. You ought to be able to easily carry on a conversation whilst jogging briskly, for illustration.


3. Use appropriate devices. Have jogging shoes fitted by a qualified. Dress in a helmet for routines like bicycling. Put on unfastened, secure clothing that permits for simple motion.


4. Don?t exercising when you might be not feeling well but don?t permit a minimal sickness derail your plan. Get again to it as soon as feasible but do not decide on up where you remaining off ? resume at a lower stage of intensity.

5. End performing exercises immediately if you knowledge chest ache or pain, dizziness, palpitations, or abnormal shortness of breath.


6. Always consist of a heat-up and cool-down period of time in your exercise. Extend only when your muscle tissues are heat.

7. Consume loads of fluids just before and following exercising, unless of course your medical doctor has said to limit fluids.


8. Do not hold your breath when lifting weights. Breathe out when you raise, breathe in when you reduce the fat.

nine. Guard your back again by bending ahead from the hips, not the midsection. Your again ought to be straight, not rounded, which retains it in impartial alignment and helps prevent injuries.

10. Physical exercise with a buddy.


?Performing exercises frequently is 1 of the most crucial factors you can do to keep overall health and agility as you age,? Dr. Designs concludes. ?Our sufferers not only really feel better when they adopt an exercising program, they may in fact be adding years to their lives.?


Somers Orthopaedic Surgical treatment and Sports activities Medicine Team, started in 1988, is one of the most thorough and specialized practices in the area.


Stuart T. Styles, M.D., F.A.A.O.S., a board-licensed orthopaedic surgeon, has been with Somers Orthpaedic Surgery since 1998..


Associated Back Pain Press Frees


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Ryan Jordan, Bradley Manning's Former Counselor, Testifies That History Showed Self-Harm Risk

FORT MEADE, Md. -- An Army private charged with sending U.S secrets to the website WikiLeaks had a history of suicidal thoughts and aloof behavior that outweighed a psychiatrist's opinion that he was no risk to intentionally hurt himself, a former counselor testified Sunday.

Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Jordan testified on the sixth day of a pretrial hearing for Pfc. Bradley Manning at Fort Meade, near Baltimore. The hearing is to determine whether Manning's nine months in pretrial confinement at the Marine Corps brig in Quantico, Va., were so punishing that the judge should dismiss all charges. The 24-year-old intelligence analyst is accused of sending hundreds of thousands of classified documents to the secret-spilling website in 2009 and 2010.

Jordan, a former counselor at Quantico, sat on a board that recommended to the brig commander in January 2011 that Manning remain in maximum custody and on injury-prevention status ? conditions that kept him confined to his cell 23 hours a day.

Jordan said under cross-examination by defense attorney David Coombs that besides the mental-health report, he considered evidence that Manning had contemplated suicide six to eight months earlier after his arrest in Iraq. The evidence included a noose Manning had fashioned from a bedsheet while confined in Kuwait, and a written statement he made upon arrival at Quantico in July 2010 that he was "always planning and never acting" on suicidal impulses.

Jordan acknowledged Manning had been a polite, courteous and nearly trouble-free detainee at Quantico.

"Wouldn't his past six months of performance be an indicator of his potential for future behavior?" Coombs asked. But Jordan maintained that Manning's unwillingness to converse with him and other brig staff was a warning sign he was at risk of self-harm.

Jordan said he considered the opinion of the brig psychiatrist, Navy Capt. William Hocter, that Manning was no longer at risk of self-harm. But Jordan said the weight he gave to Hocter's views was diminished because another detainee had recently killed himself after his custody status was reduced on Hocter's advice.

"I would consider it, but I would always consider it with care, sir," he told Coombs.

Earlier Sunday, the military judge said Manning's trial, previously set to begin Feb. 4, would be pushed back to sometime in March due to lengthy pretrial proceedings.

The hearing on Manning's confinement was to recess Sunday and resume Wednesday.

Manning is charged with 22 offenses, including aiding the enemy, which carries a maximum penalty of life in prison.

Earlier on HuffPost:

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Troubling, Par for the Course (talking-points-memo)

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Hudson Selectmen swap Babe Youth baseball for sought-after ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]The Board of Selectmen on Tuesday approved a new lacrosse program, which will be run through the town's Recreation Department. The program replaces the floundering Babe Ruth baseball league, which has seen a decrease of revenue ... Youth who play the sport ? hovering around 90 total ? are enrolled in programs in Nashua, Litchfield and Londonderry. For several years, residents have approached Yates about starting a lacrosse program in town, he said.


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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Obama says debt-cutting deal can be reached soon

WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama said Wednesday he believes that members of both parties can reach a ??framework?? on a debt-cutting deal before Christmas, making his case with a mix of optimism and pressure on congressional Republicans to keep tax rates from rising on the middle class.

Obama, pushing ahead with his campaign to increase revenue by hiking taxes on wealthier Americans, was joined by about a dozen middle-class Americans at a White House event in the midst of negotiation on how to avoid a so-called fiscal cliff at year?s end when across-the-board tax hikes and steep spending cuts kick in.

??I am ready and able and willing and excited to go ahead and get this issue resolved in bipartisan fashion so that American families, American businesses have some certainty going into next year,?? Obama said.

He took special note of reports that some Republicans have expressed a willingness to extend the current expiring tax rates for households earning less than $250,000. Conservative Oklahoma GOP Rep. Tom Cole told GOP colleagues in a private meeting on Tuesday that it?s better to extend tax cuts for 98 percent of taxpayers than engage in a prolonged fight that risks increasing taxes on everyone. Cole is a longtime GOP loyalist and a confidant of House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.

??I'm glad to see, if you've been reading the papers lately, that more and more Republicans in Congress seem to be agreeing with this idea that we should have a balanced approach,?? Obama said, noting that the Senate has already passed legislation to extend current rates to those middle class taxpayers.

??The Democrats in the House are ready to vote for that same bill today,?? he said. ??If we can get a few House Republicans to agree as well, I'll sign this bill as soon as Congress sends it my way. I've got to repeat: I've got a pen. I'm ready to sign it.??

He made an appeal to the public to pressure Congress, arguing that similar efforts late last year to extend a payroll tax cut resulted in congressional passage.

??When the American people speak loudly enough, lo and behold, Congress listens,?? he said.

While expressing confidence that he and Congress could strike a bargain for a ??framework in the coming weeks,??

Obama says we need to ??approach this problem with the middle-class in mind.??

The president is urging the public to pressure Congress through social media, pointing to (hastag)My2K on Twitter ? a reference to the estimated $2,200 tax increase a typical middle-class family of four would see if the Bush tax cuts expire.

The president is also meeting with corporate executives at the White House on Wednesday and then traveling to Pennsylvania on Friday to push for upper income bracket earners to pay higher tax rates. It?s part of a campaign to pressure Republicans in Congress to support raising taxes on the wealthy.end of story marker

? Copyright 2012 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Maine gas prices drop slightly

AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) ? Gas prices in Maine dropped slightly in the past week, but remain well above the national average.

Price-monitoring website reports Monday that the average retail price in the state fell by just over a penny to $3.58.

Nationally, the price remained unchanged, at $3.43 per gallon.

Prices in Maine are now nearly 11 cents lower per gallon than a month ago, yet remain more than 18 cents higher than a year ago.

A company analyst predicts that prices will fluctuate up and down between now and Christmas.


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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Israel hits Hamas hub

Jerusalem, Nov. 17: Israel retaliated after Palestinian rocket attacks on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem with airstrikes before dawn today on the Gaza City offices of Prime Minister Ismail Haniya of Hamas ? the militant Islamist group that governs Gaza.

The Israeli military said today that it had struck more than 200 targets overnight, including underground rocket launchers and smuggling tunnels in Rafah, on the Gaza-Egypt border.

Along with Haniya?s headquarters, which was destroyed, the Israeli military said that it struck the police and homeland security headquarters of Hamas, as well as the house of a Hamas commander, Ahmed Randor.

Mark Regev, a spokesman for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, said government buildings had been targeted because Hamas ?makes no distinction between its terrorist military machine and the government structure?.

?We have seen Hamas consistently using so-called civilian facilities for the purposes of hiding their terrorist military machine, including weapons,? Regev said.

About 30 rockets were fired from Gaza into southern Israel this morning, one landing in the yard of a house. Three soldiers were slightly injured by one of the rockets, the Israeli military said.

Hamas said seven of its members were killed this morning in two separate attacks ? four in Rafah, and three in the Al Maghazi refugee camp, in the middle of the Gaza Strip. Despite the fighting, foreign minister Rafik Abdessalem of Tunisia visited Gaza today, condemning the Israeli attacks during an appearance at the Al Shifa hospital.

?Israel has to understand that there is an international law and it has to respect the international law to stop the aggression against the Palestinian people,? Abdessalem said, according to The Associated Press.

Yesterday, emboldened by displays of Egyptian solidarity and undeterred by Israel?s advanced aerial firepower, Palestinian militants under siege in Gaza broadened their rocket targets, aiming at Jerusalem for the first time, sending a second volley screeching toward Tel Aviv and pushing the Israelis closer to a ground invasion.

Israel?s government more than doubled the number of army reservists it could call to combat if needed in the increasingly lethal showdown in Gaza with Hamas fighters and their affiliates, after they fired more than 700 rockets into southern Israel over the last year. The escalation has raised fears of a new chapter of war in the intractable Arab-Israeli conflict.

The Israeli military closed some roads adjacent to Gaza in anticipation of a possible infantry move into the territory, which would be the first Israeli military presence on the ground in Gaza since the three-week invasion of 2008-9.

Many residents of Jerusalem, which Israel claims as its capital despite objections from the city?s large Palestinian population and others throughout West Asia, were startled yesterday when wartime sirens warning of impending danger sounded at dusk, followed by at least two dull thuds.

Hamas?s military wing claimed in a statement that they were rockets fired from Gaza, 48 miles away, and had been meant to hit the Israeli parliament.

The police said one rocket crashed harmlessly in an open area near an Israeli settlement south of Jerusalem. It was unclear where the others landed, but no damage or injuries were reported.

Earlier in Tel Aviv, 40 miles from the Gaza border, air-raid sirens wailed for a second day as a rocket fired from the territory approached. A police spokesman, Micky Rosenfeld, said it apparently fell into the Mediterranean.

Although the rockets missed their intended targets, the launchings aimed at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, the two biggest population centres, underscored the ability and willingness of Hamas rocket teams to target Israeli or Israeli-occupied areas that up until the past few days had been thought relatively immune.


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Monday, November 19, 2012

Rock Climbing in Sydney, Australia | Outdoor Blog - elasopolena's ...

Outdoor BlogIf you live in a place with a relatively mild climate like Sydney, Australia, you?ll naturally wish to engage in several activities taking advantage of the great outdoors. Whether you?re planning to spend time in the city or head out into the wilderness, there?s a great amount of things to do in Sydney?one of these activities includes the sport of rock climbing.

Rock climbing is simply an activity where the participants climb onto a natural or artificial rock formation. The main objective of most rock climbing endeavors is reaching the summit portion of a rocky formation or the projected endpoint of a predetermined route without falling. Many rock climbing competitions have taken advantage of this activity, upping the stakes by requiring players to complete their routes in the fastest amount of time possible or reaching the furthest point in a difficult climbing route.

Rock climbing in Sydney generally takes place indoors, though if you search, there are establishments that host rock climbing outdoors as well. The many types of rock climbing ranges from mountain climbing, ice climbing, boulder climbing and the indoor incarnation of the sport, simply referred to as indoor climbing. As mentioned, rock climbing is often implemented as a serious sport, however it?s also a common past time and form of recreation for many people seeking that particular recreational activity.

If you?re just beginning to practice or take up rock climbing, remember one thing: rock climbing can be mentally and physically demanding. Something that is helpful to deal with this challenge is meditation and yoga. Luckily there are many places that offer meditation classes in Sydney and by complimenting your climbing skills with inner calmness you will become a better athlete for sure.

Rock climbing requires a special amount of attention to your surroundings that comes in handy if you?re in danger of falling or slipping. All of your body will be tested, allowing you to maintain balance on the rock itself, ensuring you?ll stay put on your route. It?s also very important to learn all of the important proper climbing techniques needed to engage in rock climbing; you?ll also need the right equipment too, since incorrect or poorly designed equipment can put you in danger.

Did you know that there?s several rock climbing establishments to visit in Sydney? Whether you?re a Sydney local or just visiting, the city doesn?t leave out rock climbing. Many establishments in Sydney host indoor rock climbing for both individuals and families. You won?t have to spend more than $50 AUD per person to participate in most Sydney rock climbing venues, so if you?re in the area, don?t hesitate to give it a try.


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Android Innovation Is Faster Than Apple - Business Insider

Smartphones and tablets powered by Google's Android software are devouring the mobile gadget market, eating into Apple's turf by feeding appetites for innovation and low prices, analysts say.

The Android operating system powered nearly three out of four smartphones shipped worldwide in the recently ended quarter as the mobile platform dominated the market, according to industry trackers at IDC.

"Android has been one of the primary growth engines of the smartphone market since it was launched in 2008," said IDC's mobile phones research manager Ramon Llamas.

"In every year since then, Android has effectively outpaced the market and taken market share from the competition."

In tablets, Apple's market share has fallen to just over 50 percent from 65 percent in the second quarter as Android devices gain ground, according to IDC figures.

"Having a lot of people building a lot of things covering a lot of price points with multiple brands in multiple places makes a big difference," said NPD Group analyst Stephen Baker.

"Variety is strength when it comes to moving units."

Android smartphones shipments surged to 136 million, topping those in the same three-month period last year by slightly more than 90 percent, IDC reported.

Samsung's Galaxy S3 overtook Apple's iPhone 4S in the third quarter to give the South Korean firm the world's best-selling smartphone model for the first time ever, according to research firm Strategy Analytics.

"The pace of innovation in Android is faster than Apple," said Gartner vice president of mobile computing Ken Dulaney. "They are just trying harder; Apple is way behind in that area."

Android is benefiting from being an "open-source" platform that gadget makers use free of charge and improve as they deem fit, providing Google with insights along the way.

Apple tightly controls its products from the software to the hardware and even the online shop for music, books, games or other content.

"What you get with Android is this incredible feedback loop with developers, equipment makers, customers, and designers," Dulaney said.

"At Apple, as long as they have a great vision internally it is fine but they don't have the feedback Android does."

Having thousands of different Android devices vying for consumers' cash is a strength when it comes to market share but puts hardware makers into a fiercely competitive arena, Baker noted.

"Other than Samsung, I don't know if other Android guys are making money," the analyst said.

Google gives Android away free, but the platform is crafted to make it easy for people to use the California Internet titan's money-making services such as search and maps, and get content at its online Google Play shop.

Forrester analyst Charles Golvin said that forces powering Android momentum include changing demographics of smartphone buyers.

Early adopters of smartphones focused more on new technology than on price, but the devices have gone mainstream with cost increasingly important to shoppers, according to Golvin.

"People are more inclined toward the Android platform because there is more choice and most of that choice is low price," Golvin said.

The open nature of Android and the myriad models offered by gadget makers serve as a "double-edged sword," warned the analyst.

Apple pushes annual updates of iOS mobile operating system out to its devices, while new versions of Android hit more often but must get through hardware makers and telecom services to get onto people's handsets.

"You have this lengthy chain of intermediaries who are delaying the delivery of that new software and its innovations to existing devices in the market," Golvin said.

He backed his point by noting that many Android devices in use still run on generations-old versions of the operating system.

Android gadget variety can also make it tough to design accessories or even "apps" that can be used across the array of devices.

For its part, Google has done an excellent job of improving the "ecosystem" of music, films, apps, books and more available for Android-powered devices, according to analysts.

In the red-hot tablet market effectively created by the iPad, strong growth is being seen by Android rivals including Amazon's popular Kindle Fire and Nook devices from Barnes & Noble, which run custom versions of the software.

Analysts believe that the Google-backed operating system is likely to spread to typically "dumb" gizmos like appliances.

"These platforms are becoming the molecule elements for building all kinds of hybrid devices," Dulaney said.


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OUR OPINION: Oil, gas production flows to Mississippi?s advantage

by NEMS Daily Journal Djournal.Com

The International Energy Agency announced this month that the United States will become the world?s largest oil producer by 2017 and a net oil exporter by 2030.

That strongly positive news could be one of the factors that knocks the monkey off America?s economic back, a direct result of advancing technology that makes possible the use of petroleum resources previously inaccessible or too costly to access.

Mississippi, which is an energy producing state for oil and natural gas, could be a major beneficiary of the increasing production of both resources here and elsewhere, Mississippi Energy Institute chief Patrick Sullivan said in response to Daily Journal questions about the news.

Some of what Sullivan said has been reported, but the optimistic outlook about oil and natural gas plays to another of Mississippi?s under-appreciated manmade assets, in pipelines feeding the Atlantic coast and New England from refineries and, for now, imported petroleum

Sullivan said, ?In a macroeconomic context, the development of oil and natural gas from these formations that historically were not economically productive looks to provide the U.S. major supply and cost advantages, more so in natural gas than in oil, at least for now. On the natural gas side, the implication for Mississippi is our state has more natural gas pipeline activity than any other state (tops in volume transported and 4th in miles of pipeline).

?In looking at development advantages long-term, we have major supply capability advantages, and if the production in the Marcellus region results in excess pipeline capacity as is expected (pipelines going through Mississippi have historically moved gas from west and Gulf to East Coast and northern markets), Mississippi may see some price advantages in the future as the transporters are looking for new destinations for gas produced west of us or in the Gulf.?

Some Mississippi leaders have already made energy development an economic growth priority, but the specificity of the new report on U.S. production adds urgency to opportunity.

?On oil,? Sullivan noted, ?my opinion is it?s similar to the natural gas situation, but due to oil markets being much more global with relative ease of transporting overseas, the price differences aren?t nearly as wide as you see with global natural gas prices. However, West Texas Intermediate has consistently been less expensive than other markets due to oversupply, and we?re close to WTI. If the U.S. continues to export more refined oil products, there could be opportunities for Mississippi through refining, shipping, or transporting.?

New opportunity, as stressed repeatedly at the CREATE Foundation 40th anniversary celebration Thursday night in Tupelo, depends heavily on raising the educational attainment level so that the work force can take advantage and prosper with a new economy.

Opportunity knocks, and opening the door depends on us.


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MAKE | Retro-Gaming Cake Brings Back Memories, Dysentery

By Gareth Branwyn , 2012/11/17 @ 7:25 pm

You know all of those ?if you?re a certain age, you should get what this is?? images that float around Facebook? This Oregon Trail cake, spotted on Dorkly, could serve as one of those. I wasted?er? spent countless hours of my young life playing this game on an Apple II. And my, what a *lovely* sentiment for a birthday cake.


Snake Cake. Run for Your Lives!


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Friday, November 9, 2012

Ex-University of Texas coach Royal dies at age 88

FILE - This Jan. 1, 1970 file photo shows former President Lyndon B. Johnson congratulating University of Texas quarterback James Street and coach Darrell Royal, center, in the dressing room after the Longhorns defeated Notre Dame in the Cotton Bowl in Dallas. The University of Texas says Royal, who won two national championships and a share of a third, has died. He was 88. UT spokesman Nick Voinis on Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012 confirmed Royal's death in Austin. Royal was close friends with former President Johnson, who attended Texas football games once his presidency ended. (AP Photo/File)

FILE - This Jan. 1, 1970 file photo shows former President Lyndon B. Johnson congratulating University of Texas quarterback James Street and coach Darrell Royal, center, in the dressing room after the Longhorns defeated Notre Dame in the Cotton Bowl in Dallas. The University of Texas says Royal, who won two national championships and a share of a third, has died. He was 88. UT spokesman Nick Voinis on Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012 confirmed Royal's death in Austin. Royal was close friends with former President Johnson, who attended Texas football games once his presidency ended. (AP Photo/File)

FILE - This Sept. 18, 2007 file photo shows former Texas head football coach Darrell Royal posed at his apartment complex in Austin, Texas. The University of Texas says Royal, who won two national championships and a share of a third, has died. He was 88. UT spokesman Nick Voinis on Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012 confirmed Royal's death in Austin. (AP Photo/Harry Cabluck)

FILE - This Jan. 1, 1973 file photo shows Texas coach Darrell Royal being carried off the field by his players after the Longhorns defeated the University of Alabama, 17-13, in the Cotton bowl in Dallas, Tex. The University of Texas says former football coach Darrell Royal, who won two national championships and a share of a third, has died. He was 88. UT spokesman Nick Voinis on Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012 confirmed Royal's death in Austin.(AP Photo/File)

This Sept. 1, 2012 photo shows former Texas football coach Darrell Royal before a college football game in Austin, Texas. The University of Texas says Royal, who won two national championships and a share of a third, has died. He was 88. UT spokesman Nick Voinis on Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012 confirmed Royal's death in Austin.(AP Photo/American-Statesman, Ricardo Brazziell) MAGS OUT; NO SALES; INTERNET AND TV MUST CREDIT PHOTOGRAPHER AND STATESMAN.COM

FILE - This Feb. 29, 2012 file photo shows Texas football coach Mack Brown, left, giving the "hook 'em horns" sign with former coach Darrell Royal at a reception before the induction for the 2012 class of the Texas Sports Hall of Fame in Waco, Texas. The University of Texas says former football coach Darrell Royal, who won two national championships and a share of a third, has died. He was 88. UT spokesman Nick Voinis on Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012 confirmed Royal's death in Austin. (AP Photo/Waco Tribune Herald, Jerry Larson, File)

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) ? A son of Depression-era Oklahoma, Darrell Royal came to Texas to take over a sleeping giant of a football program. Over 20 years, his folksy approach to sports and life, his inventive wishbone offense and a victory in the "Game of the Century" ? where a U.S. president declared his team national champion ? made him an icon of college football.

Royal, who won two national championships and turned the Longhorns program into a national power, died early Wednesday at age 88 of complications from cardiovascular disease, school spokesman Bill Little said. Royal also had suffered from Alzheimer's disease.

Royal didn't have a single losing season in his 23 years as a head coach at Texas, Mississippi State and Washington. Known for their stout defenses and punishing running attacks, his Texas teams boasted a 167-47-5 record from 1957-1976, the best mark in the nation over that period.

"It was fun," Royal told The Associated Press in 2007. "All the days I was coaching at Texas, I knew this would be my last coaching job. I knew it when I got here."

It almost didn't happen. Royal wasn't Texas' first choice.

Texas was coming off a 1-9 season in 1956 ? still the worst in program history ? and wanted a high-profile coach to turn things around. The Longhorns were rebuffed by Georgia Tech's Bobby Dodd and Michigan State's Duffy Daugherty, but both coaches encouraged Texas to hire the 32-year-old Royal, who was lying in bed the night he got the call summoning him to Austin.

"Edith, this is it, this is the University of Texas," Royal told his wife.

Royal led the Longhorns to a 6-3-1 record in his first season, but he was so sickened by Mississippi's 39-7 thrashing of his team in the Sugar Bowl that he gave away the commemorative bowl watch he received.

Under Royal, Texas won 11 Southwest Conference titles, 10 Cotton Bowl championships and national championships in 1963 and 1969, going 11-0 each time. The Longhorns also won a share of the 1970 national title, earning him a national stature that rivaled that of Alabama's Paul "Bear" Bryant and Ohio State's Woody Hayes. Royal was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1983.

Funeral arrangements were not immediately announced, but Royal will be buried at the Texas State Cemetery in Austin, an honor typically reserved for the state's military and political leaders.

On Saturday, the Longhorns will honor Royal at their home game against Iowa State by wearing "DKR" stickers on their helmets and by lining up in the wishbone formation, which Royal used to such great success, for their first offensive snap.

"Today is a very sad day. I lost a wonderful friend, a mentor, a confidant and my hero. College football lost maybe its best ever and the world lost a great man," current Texas coach Mack Brown said Wednesday. "His council and friendship meant a lot to me before I came to Texas, but it's been my guiding light for my 15 years here."

As a player at Oklahoma, Royal was a standout quarterback, defensive back and punter, and he credited hard work and luck for his success on the field and later as a coach. He had a self-deprecating style and a knack for delivering pithy quotes ? or "Royalisms" ? about his team and opponents.

"Football doesn't build character, it eliminates the weak ones," was one of Royal's famous lines.

"Luck is when preparation meets opportunity," was another.

"He was a guy who was so strong and so determined and so direct about things," said former Texas quarterback James Street. "He was that way to the very end."

Royal and assistant Emory Ballard changed the football landscape in 1968 with the development of the wishbone, which features a fullback lined up two yards behind the quarterback and a step in front of two other backs.

The innovation nearly flopped. After a tie and loss in the first two games that season, a frustrated Royal inserted backup Street to take over.

"Coach Royal grabbed me and he looked for a minute as if he were having second thoughts about putting me in. Then he looked me straight in the eye and said, 'Hell, you can't do any worse. Get in there,'" Street said

Texas won its next 30 games. Soon, rival Oklahoma and other schools started using the wishbone as well.

"The University of Oklahoma joins the rest of the nation in celebrating the life's work of Darrell Royal," said Oklahoma athletic director Joe Castiglione. "We've truly lost an icon - a champion, an innovator and an educator."

The national title season in 1969 included what was dubbed the "Game of the Century," a come-from-behind, 15-14 victory by the top-ranked Longhorns over No. 2 Arkansas to cap the regular season.

In Texas lore, it ranks as the greatest game ever played. President Nixon, an avid football fan, flew in by helicopter to watch. Afterward, Nixon greeted Royal with a plaque in the Texas locker room proclaiming Texas the national champion.

The Longhorns also were named national champions by United Press International in 1970, a year in which Texas lost its final game to Notre Dame in the Cotton Bowl and finished 10-1.

Royal faced criticism over the lack of black players on his first 13 Texas teams, although he had coached black players at Washington and in the Canadian football league.

At the 1960 Cotton Bowl, Syracuse accused Texas of hurling racial barbs at Syracuse's black players, which Royal denied. Texas became the first SWC school to announce it would fully integrate the athletic program in 1963, but the football team didn't have a black letterman until Julius Whittier in 1970.

Royal, who acknowledged being unconcerned about racial discrimination for much of his life, credited former President Lyndon B. Johnson with turning around his viewpoint. Johnson, who attended Texas football games after his presidency ended, was close friends with Royal.

"I'm not a football fan," Johnson once said. "But I am a fan of people, and I am a Darrell Royal fan because he is the rarest of human beings."

In 1972, former Texas lineman Gary Shaw published "Meat on the Hoof," a searing critique of the Texas program that accused the coaches of having a class system within the program and of devising sadistic drills to drive off unwanted players. Royal tried to distance himself from the claims, saying in interviews he had "never heard" of the drills Shaw described.

"I want to be remembered as a winning coach, but also as an honest and ethical coach," Royal said in 1975.

Royal was among the first football coaches in the nation to hire an academic counselor ? sometimes referred to as a "brain coach" in that era ? to ensure athletes went on to graduate. He also set aside a fund for a special "T'' ring, which players received upon graduation. Royal also served as Texas athletic director from 1962-1979.

The youngest of six children born to Katy and B.R. "Burley" Royal, he grew up in tiny Hollis, Okla., where he chopped cotton as a young boy for 10-cents an hour to help his family through the Depression. His mother died before he was 6 months old, and he lost two sisters to a fever epidemic.

In 1938, Royal's father took the family from the Dustbowl to California to look for work. Homesick for Oklahoma, Royal soon packed his bags and hitchhiked his way back.

Royal is survived by his wife, Edith, and a son, Mack. The couple had two other children, daughter Marian, who died in 1973, and son David, who died in 1982.


Follow Jim Vertuno on Twitter at .

Associated Press


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