Thursday, December 13, 2012

Internet Marketing Rules Blog: Generating Leads Online And Using ...

Are you focusing on getting more new customers in your internet business? If so, then you should know that you will need alot of traffic and alot of leads to make this happen for you. Traffic and getting leads play crucial roles in the development of your business, and in the further advancement of your sales and profits.

Now getting a lead on the internet isn?t hard. All you have to do is set up a ?squeeze page? and drive your visitors straight to this page and get them to opt-in to your email newsletter. The more leads you get, the better. This means that with more and more leads, you can improve the chances of starting to earn sales on a daily basis.

This is something that is very important, and if you want to have success online, this is what you need to be doing. If you?re in the right niche that is virtually empty with competition? you could probably put up an ugly squeeze page and still get alot of subscribers. And I would know - I?ve done it myself!

Before you create your first squeeze page, take a look at other examples first. This will give you a good idea of how your squeeze page should look like, what should be on it, and where your opt-in form should be at.

All of these things are very important to the development of your online business success.

Now before you can get your squeeze page set up, you will need an autoresponder. An autoresponder is simply a program that sends out timely emails every few days. You will need one of these to insert onto your squeeze page. This is how people will sign up to your email newsletter.

Make sure you test your autoresponder to make sure that everything works, and create at least 10 emails before you start marketing. You will get leads fast, and the more leads you get, the more money you will make. Now some people will buy fast. Some will buy later. And some will never buy. Your goal is to focus on the people who will buy fast and who will buy later.

The best way to do this is by adding lots of emails into your autoresponder, and then let it work its magic. I personally like to set my emails every 4 days apart. I feel that emailing everyday is the fastest way to get someone to unsubscribe quickly, and for you to be perceived as a pest.

Instead, don?t email so often. I think 4 days is a good number. Some people like to send broadcast emails to their list around every Tuesday or Thursday, but I think that you should just let the autoresponder run its course and do what it?s supposed to do. That?s my philosophy anyway.

Nevertheless, you will need a list. Your backend customer list is more valuable than your prospect list. So if I had to choose between which list to focus on - it would be my backend list. And this is the one thing that you will want to focus on also.

Good luck with earning more money online.

For more internet marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:


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