Sunday, January 15, 2012

Santorum urges 'conscience' vote (Politico)

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. ? Rick Santorum spent his Sunday morning at a prayer breakfast here, tending to his Christian conservative flock and trying to win new converts among the voters he hopes will carry him to a win in next week?s primary.

A day after being picked as the candidate of choice by the group of social conservative leaders who met Saturday in Texas, Santorum said at the South Carolina Faith & Freedom prayer breakfast that he felt ?very blessed? to be selected ? and cast their coalescing behind his candidacy as help from above.

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?I don?t know if that ever happens with a group of Christian leaders ? they were able to miraculously come together and stand in support of my candidacy,? Santorum said to applause.

?We have an opportunity for South Carolina to stand behind a candidate who has consistently, courageously, forcefully, publicly and led the fight for values of the people who are going to vote next Saturday. The question is, will the people of South Carolina vote their conscience?? Santorum asked.

But several Republican voters said they didn?t need the encouragement ? many had already made up their minds to go with Santorum, who?s aiming to consolidate the support that?s been splitting between him, Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry.

Walt Lee, 33, said the social conservatives? backing didn?t influence him, but he hopes it will give the former Pennsylvania senator a boost.

?I already decided after Iowa, after seeing Santorum shoot up there,? Lee said. ?His values and positions on the economy and national defense resonated with me. I didn?t hear about the folks in Texas until late last night, but I wouldn?t say it swayed me. It is good to see folks like that are getting on board, though ? it gives Santorum a better chance.?

For others, it was Santorum?s presence at the breakfast that made the difference.

Gary Goers, 64, said he?d been undecided and leaning toward Mitt Romney before Sunday, and the Texas endorsement ?doesn?t throw me one way or the other.? But seeing Santorum at the event ? and hearing what the candidate said ? made him reconsider.

While Santorum has said he would not ask any other candidate to step down due to the endorsement, conservative author Eric Metaxes said in a speech to the prayer breakfast he hoped the other contenders would ?hear from God? and drop out.


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