Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pony Vaccines, Same Dosage? | TBN Ranch

Louie, 1/2 Shetland Pony / 1/2 Mini

I?ve had horses all of my adult life and I haven?t questioned myself for a very long time concerning which vaccines to administer and when they are needed? but, I never had a pony before. I?m on new territory, and being it?s Fall and time to vaccinate, I turned to my very good friend Google for advice. My question was if a pony gets the same vaccine dosage as a full size horse. After much research from the many reputable sites I trust, the answer to my question was unanimous ? YES, a pony does indeed get the same dosage as a full size horse.

So here we go, another battle with my little Louie. He?s been on the ranch for 3 months and it took a month just to be able to catch him. He?s a handful for virtually anything that requires handling. I have earned his trust slowly and can now spray him with fly spray, brush him, and my biggest accomplishment, the big bad paste wormer. But I must say, sticking him with a needle is definitely not something I?m looking forward to!

The farrier also has a few complaints I?m sure. He?s been here twice to trim Louie?s hooves?the first time was unsuccessful, the second time a week later took an hour. But it?s done, nothing bad happened and hopefully next time my little devil Louie will be more accepting.? Louie is 12 years old and obviously hasn?t been handled much. But with a lot of PATIENCE, I know he will acquire all the manners expected of him. It just takes the one thing I have plenty of? time.? Oh, did I mention I?m still unemployed? lol

amy elizabeth, TBN Ranch

amy elizabeth, writer poet, author. Lives in the northeastern reaches of the Sonoran Desert on a small hobby farm.


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