Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Guest Post: Using Social Media To Build A Real Online Presence ...

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Most online businesses have probably heard that they need to take advantage of social media to build a major online presence but they don?t know how to achieve this. Regardless of whether you wish to make it big internationally or in your locality, social media is an essential element of company growth in the modern era. Failure to do this means many of your target market will never hear your voice and you will not exist to a huge proportion of people you should be making sales to.

An estimated 90% of customers utilise the search engine search box to find, research and potentially purchase a product/service. Remember the days when businesses relied on word of mouth? In the Internet age, social media is the equivalent except for the fact that it is on a much larger scale. Social media is good for visibility, search engine ranking and business in general. Here are some easy ways to use this platform to establish your online presence.

Grow & Protect Your Brand

You need to create your own brand channels on all the major social network platforms. This will guarantee that when a search engine user types your company name into a search box, your brand is all they will find. This can be time consuming so if you can afford it, hire a professional writer to begin the process. Alternatively, you can ask fans to do it and reward them accordingly.

Once you have established a brand, the most important thing to do is protect it. Social media operates at such a speed that negative comments about your company can spread like wildfire. Allowing such comments to gain life is detrimental to the future success of your company. Social media monitoring is available from a number of high quality organisations and can quickly limit the damage caused by those writing malicious comments about your business. When your social media profiles are monitored 24/7, you can also hear what customers are saying about you and make the appropriate changes. Responding quickly to genuine complaints also improves your brand?s reputation.

Find Your Niche

Too many businesses are guilty of offering almost generic products and services. With millions of online businesses, it?s safe to assume that every single industry is catered for. So what makes you different to the rest of the pack? The most successful businesses are usually formed by entrepreneurs who discover their passion and find a niche within their chosen market. Instead of selling sporting goods, sell American Football helmets. Rather than sell flowers, sell chrysanthemums.

The idea is to find a corner of the industry market that is not well represented and take over. The beauty of social media is that you can search for people with specific interests and let them know about your company. Thanks to social media, it is possible to reach a targeted market based on their interests and preferences. This is likely to lead to a higher conversion rate.


Regardless of what certain experts say, SEO is far from dead and you can use social media to increase your search engine ranking and overall online presence. Despite various algorithm changes, it is a well known fact that Google places great value on a site?s social media standing. It is not uncommon for ?NoFollow? tags to be used in social media bookmarking sites and this limits any value of outbound links for posts made on these sites. However, a number of top sites such as Digg and Mixx also use ?DoFollow? tags. Posting to bookmarking sites that utilise ?NoFollow? tags can be beneficial to your business if your posts are read on the site and visitors use the link provided to get to your website. Without a strong SEO strategy, it?s unlikely that your online business will make much of an impression.

Social media is still growing in terms of new members and the level of spending on such sites is also increasing dramatically. If you can build a recognisable brand on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, it?s difficult to see your company not succeeding in the long run as long as your accounts are correctly managed. The bottom line is: Social Media increases your visibility and makes it easier for potential clients to find you.

About the Author:

This article is written by Kate Willer. I like social networks, Google android, mac security and psychology. I?m interested in IT services, computer upgrades, computer repair, different computer apps. Love travelling and skiing.

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Source: http://www.technacular.com/2012/10/22/guest-post-using-social-media-to-build-a-real-online-presence/

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