Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Self Improvement Times: Women Gaining Self Confidence Through ...

It is common knowledge that men tend to overrate their intellectual abilities. By the same token, women tend to downplay their own. While men often believe they are far more attractive than they actually are, women believe the opposite as well. It is unclear why these differences in confidence levels exist between men and women, but the phenomenon explains why women must work harder to build and maintain a healthy self-esteem. In fact, women gaining self confidence is a common topic in the self-help world.

The good news, however, is that women can quickly boost their confidence if they are willing to make a few changes in the way they think about themselves and life. With the benefits being increased happiness and paving the road to more successful relationships with those around them, it is worth the effort.

Easy Tips To Improve Self-Esteem:

Improve personal appearance. The easiest and quickest way for women to increase self-esteem is to improve their personal appearance. While looks should not matter in a perfect world, this is not a perfect world and an individual's appearance is important. People respond better to others that present themselves in a neat, clean way that says that they care about their appearance.

Luckily, improving one's appearance does not have to be expensive. By researching inexpensive home beauty tips, a woman can immediately take steps towards feeling better. This increased confidence provides motivation to take additional steps towards increased self-esteem.

Foster appreciation. Doing this properly requires an understanding of how human beings work. The physical goal of the human species is survival. Therefore, the automatic part of the human brain works to do this by picking out the negative in the environment. This system keeps the person on alert for potential dangers. The problem is that since it is weighted heavily towards the negative, if all a woman listens to is her automatic thoughts she will overlook the positive aspects of her life and become depressed.

Fortunately, all people also have the ability to choose thoughts. This is why a daily appreciation practice stressing thankfulness is such an important factor when it comes to self-esteem. If a woman does not recognize the blessings of the friends and family that care for her, and that all her basic needs are satisfied, then she will be destined to live feeling that nothing in her world is good enough, including herself. To combat this, it is important to take a moment to be thankful for the good in one's life every day.

Practice affirmations. Thoughts dictate the way people feel and, as discussed above, it is important to take responsibility for controlling these thoughts. Just as it is imperative to be appreciative every day, it is also imperative that a woman recognize her own value as well. To increase self-esteem, a woman should actively and regularly insert positive thoughts into her thought stream while learning to let go of the negative.

Below is a list of healthy, self-affirming thoughts:

- I am smart

- I am happy

- I am relaxed

- I am efficient

- I am capable

- I am well-liked

Become action-oriented. Nothing raises self-esteem faster than accomplishment. Each day, women should select a task that they don't want to do - and do it. When all four steps are consistently followed, the results are sheer magic.

Are you a woman and you want to learn how to gain confidence in yourself? Take this journey with other like-minded women. Our classes will teach you how to increase your self confidence as you study from women who are experts at different aspects of living an empowering life joyfully. Visit http://lovingyourselfuniversity.com

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Source: http://selfimprovementtimes.blogspot.com/2013/01/women-gaining-self-confidence-through.html

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