Friday, February 15, 2013

Obama's State of the Union speech coincides with cybersecurity order

Feb. 13, 2013

Dive Summary:

  • Coinciding with his State of the Union speech Tuesday (as was expected), President Barack Obama signed an executive order calling on the National Institute of Standards and Technology to develop?voluntary cybersecurity standards for companies working with vital infrastructure interests.
  • The order comes after Republicans and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce defeated a cybersecurity bill last year, arguing that it would introduce burdensome regulation to companies.
  • Nuclear plants and railways are among the interests that Obama believes should be protected.

From the article:

"... The order, released yesterday as Obama began his State of the Union speech, directs the government to develop voluntary cybersecurity standards for companies operating the nation?s vital infrastructure, such as power grids and air traffic control systems. It instructs federal agencies to consider putting those standards into existing regulations. ..."


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