Thursday, July 26, 2012

Southern Morocco: Deaths Increase Due to ... - Morocco World News

By Jamal Saidi

Morocco World News

Casablanca, July 24, 2012

According to the daily Al Massae, there is a significant increase of deaths due to stings of poisonous reptiles in the mountainous area of Imozar, near Agadir in southern Morocco. Four deaths were registered in less than one month as a result of snake bites and scorpion stings. The majority of these cases were found in the village of Imsker.

The clinic of Imsker is the only medical center in the village. It has been closed for nine months since the staff nurse retired. Additionally, the infirmary lacks oxygen and antibodies that enhance resistance to reptile bites.

Many new born babies were deprived of vaccination. Numerous families decided not to vaccinate their babies due to the long distance between the village and Agadir city, as well as the high cost of transportation.

It is worth noting that more than 20 associations that are under the umbrella of Federale Association of Idaoutanane demanded the acceleration of appointing a new nurse in the aforementioned hospital, that it be provided with a medical center that would provide services for the 1500 people living in the surrounding areas of Idaoutanan. They also called upon the minister of health to provide the oxygen to save the lives of many mothers and babies in a place where death due to respiratory failure is increasingly taking place.


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