Thursday, July 12, 2012

Twelve Steps to Your Own Internet Marketing Business | TheBitBot ...

Over the past year I have spent a substantial amount of time researching the subject of internet marketing. I must say, this is really a much more fascinating pursuit that I ever could have imagined. There are so many variables and steps involved and the learning curve can be quite long and span several years if one does not know where to look or what questions to ask.

For that reason, I have decided, for this post, to condense everything I have learned into one short article that can act as an outline for anyone who has not yet obtained a personal road map to this end. So, here we go.

Step 1) Select a niche that you will write about. Take a moment and reflect on your life experiences, your interests, your pastimes, things you are passionate about, things that have consistently held your interest over the years or problems you have worked hard to overcome.

Odds are, there are a great number of people who have the same interests, passions, pastimes or the same problems that you have had to overcome and who perhaps have not yet found the solutions that you have discovered. Whatever it is that you discover can be turned into an internet marketing business.

These days, whenever anyone has a problem or interest, the first thing that they do is refer to their favorite search engine and begin researching their problem or interest to find what? Information on that subject or problem. Out of these two scenarios, solutions to problems are actually more profitable in that people are usually willing to fork over money for a solution.
Once you have selected your niche, move on to step number two.

Step 2) Open your browser and go to the Google AdWords Keyword Selector Tool and enter keywords related to your subject of interest. For information on how to research what keywords to use, check out the link in this sentence. Checking your competition in the article linked to in the previous sentence is very important. Find keywords with high searches per month and low competition. Once you have selected about five potential keywords, proceed to step three.

Step 3) Direct your browser to a domain registrar such as GoDaddy and begin searching for potential domain names that are exact matches for these keywords. If you find it, register it. If not, try to find something as close as possible and then proceed to step four.

Step 4) Acquire hosting for your soon-to-be-launched website. Hosting is very important. You want reliable hosting so that when visitors come to your website, they are served the website and not some error page stating that your web page is inaccessible. This is important because, statistically speaking, this is the one and only chance you will have to impress them. Personally, I prefer Hostgator. They have been the best that I have found so far. Now proceed to step five.

Step 5) Launch your website. This is much easier than it sounds because there are so many tools available today to do this with. For the absolute easiest route, use a popular blogging platform such as WordPress, which can be downloaded for free. Once you have downloaded it, upload it to your server using an FTP manager such as Filezilla. Note: if you go this route, a high speed internet connection is highly recommended. Of course, you can skip all of these steps if your hosting service offers a free script install for platforms such as WordPress in the CPanel (i.e. Control Panel). Next proceed to step six.

Step 6) Begin writing short articles about your subject of interest. On a slow and consistent basis, post the articles that you write to your blog or website. If your articles are unique and useful, your blog will begin generating traffic. It is important to note that you will not provide the solution to the problem you are writing about here. The solution will be withheld and revealed only in a special report that your produce in step seven.

Step 7) Write a short and sweet report or eBook on the subject you chose. Make sure that the report provides a definitive solution to the problem you chose to write about. Additionally, break up the report into several chapters so that you can give the first chapter away for free. Once the report is complete, save the first chapter in the form of a PDF file. Additionally, save the entire report in the form of a PDF file and then proceed to step eight.

Step 8 ) Register with an autoresponder service such as Aweber or GetResponse. Once you have registered for an autoresponder account add the code provided by the service to your blog or website in the form of an opt-in box placed in the sidebar of your website. Alternatively, you can add it to a squeeze page that describes the benefits of your report. Proceed to step nine.

Step 9) Once you have added the opt-in form to your website, set up your autoresponder to deliver the first chapter, as promised, to your visitors. Congratulations. You have now began harvesting emails and started building your list. Proceed to step ten.

Step 10) Using your autoresponder service notify your list of updates to your blog or website and begin developing a relationship with your subscribers. From this point forward, in each post, refer to the complete report that you produced that will be available for sale on your sales page that you created specifically for selling your report.

Step 11) Continue to research and continue to develop solutions to problems in your niche. Provide real value to your subscribers and help them discover real solutions.

Step 12) Reward yourself. You have created an online business.

That?s it. That is a year?s worth of research condensed in to one thousand words that took ten minutes to read. No need to buy expensive ?make money online? products now.

Related posts:

  1. The Small Business Internet Marketing Guide
  2. Cheap Internet Advertising For Your Small Business
  3. Three Essential Internet Marketing Skills
  4. Seven Essential Internet Marketing Tips
  5. Internet Marketing Newsletter Basics

Over the past year I have spent a substantial amount of time researching the subject of internet marketing. I must say, this is really a much more fascinating pursuit that I ever could have imagined. There are so many variables and steps involved and the learning curve can be quite long and span several years if one does not know where to look or what questions to ask.

For that reason, I have decided, for this post, to condense everything I have learned into one short article that can act as an outline for anyone who has not yet obtained a personal road map to this end. So, here we go.

Step 1) Select a niche that you will write about. Take a moment and reflect on your life experiences, your interests, your pastimes, things you are passionate about, things that have consistently held your interest over the years or problems you have worked hard to overcome.

Odds are, there are a great number of people who have the same interests, passions, pastimes or the same problems that you have had to overcome and who perhaps have not yet found the solutions that you have discovered. Whatever it is that you discover can be turned into an internet marketing business.

These days, whenever anyone has a problem or interest, the first thing that they do is refer to their favorite search engine and begin researching their problem or interest to find what? Information on that subject or problem. Out of these two scenarios, solutions to problems are actually more profitable in that people are usually willing to fork over money for a solution.
Once you have selected your niche, move on to step number two.

Step 2) Open your browser and go to the Google AdWords Keyword Selector Tool and enter keywords related to your subject of interest. For information on how to research what keywords to use, check out the link in this sentence. Checking your competition in the article linked to in the previous sentence is very important. Find keywords with high searches per month and low competition. Once you have selected about five potential keywords, proceed to step three.

Step 3) Direct your browser to a domain registrar such as GoDaddy and begin searching for potential domain names that are exact matches for these keywords. If you find it, register it. If not, try to find something as close as possible and then proceed to step four.

Step 4) Acquire hosting for your soon-to-be-launched website. Hosting is very important. You want reliable hosting so that when visitors come to your website, they are served the website and not some error page stating that your web page is inaccessible. This is important because, statistically speaking, this is the one and only chance you will have to impress them. Personally, I prefer Hostgator. They have been the best that I have found so far. Now proceed to step five.

Step 5) Launch your website. This is much easier than it sounds because there are so many tools available today to do this with. For the absolute easiest route, use a popular blogging platform such as WordPress, which can be downloaded for free. Once you have downloaded it, upload it to your server using an FTP manager such as Filezilla. Note: if you go this route, a high speed internet connection is highly recommended. Of course, you can skip all of these steps if your hosting service offers a free script install for platforms such as WordPress in the CPanel (i.e. Control Panel). Next proceed to step six.

Step 6) Begin writing short articles about your subject of interest. On a slow and consistent basis, post the articles that you write to your blog or website. If your articles are unique and useful, your blog will begin generating traffic. It is important to note that you will not provide the solution to the problem you are writing about here. The solution will be withheld and revealed only in a special report that your produce in step seven.

Step 7) Write a short and sweet report or eBook on the subject you chose. Make sure that the report provides a definitive solution to the problem you chose to write about. Additionally, break up the report into several chapters so that you can give the first chapter away for free. Once the report is complete, save the first chapter in the form of a PDF file. Additionally, save the entire report in the form of a PDF file and then proceed to step eight.

Step 8 ) Register with an autoresponder service such as Aweber or GetResponse. Once you have registered for an autoresponder account add the code provided by the service to your blog or website in the form of an opt-in box placed in the sidebar of your website. Alternatively, you can add it to a squeeze page that describes the benefits of your report. Proceed to step nine.

Step 9) Once you have added the opt-in form to your website, set up your autoresponder to deliver the first chapter, as promised, to your visitors. Congratulations. You have now began harvesting emails and started building your list. Proceed to step ten.

Step 10) Using your autoresponder service notify your list of updates to your blog or website and begin developing a relationship with your subscribers. From this point forward, in each post, refer to the complete report that you produced that will be available for sale on your sales page that you created specifically for selling your report.

Step 11) Continue to research and continue to develop solutions to problems in your niche. Provide real value to your subscribers and help them discover real solutions.

Step 12) Reward yourself. You have created an online business.

That?s it. That is a year?s worth of research condensed in to one thousand words that took ten minutes to read. No need to buy expensive ?make money online? products now.

Related posts:

  1. The Small Business Internet Marketing Guide
  2. Cheap Internet Advertising For Your Small Business
  3. Three Essential Internet Marketing Skills
  4. Seven Essential Internet Marketing Tips
  5. Internet Marketing Newsletter Basics
Source: Twelve Steps to Your Own Internet Marketing Business ... Reprint this article ... Comment on this article.


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